09 August 2012

Know the Risks of Being Textually Active

As of late, I have received some pretty fabulous text messages. I thought I would share and let you laugh, or say "Awwww," or whatever your reaction may be.

"I may have just watched 4 episodes of Downton Abbey online...."
- Nick

I accidentally let myself remember that I miss you! See you Saturday!"

"Hello good friend Eric! I would just like to share the good news that I am engaged! :D"

"Is Gertrude still alive?"

"You are a super cutie :)"

"How's the local party scene?"

"Ha ha cancer! Twitter... Oh yes. Soon. @epicdiehard #awesomeness"

I don't know if you found those text messages entertaining at all. But I did. So enjoy them. Please.

Have you had any text messages that have made your day?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed some of those texty texts. I will have to up my game in the texting department. I want to be on the next list!
