22 April 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Happy birthday!

I mean, Earth Day. They rhyme. You see how I could get confused.

Every Sunday, my local family members get together and have dinner. Because today was Earth Day, we ate in our backyard under the beautiful apple and cherry blossoms. Here are some pictures from the dinner. Bon appetit!

The lovely spread included shoyu chicken, rice, green salad, corn on the cob, fresh squeezed lemonade, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. My mom is the best!

Seth was the birthday Earth Day boy. His birthday was last week when we were in SoCal visiting Damian, Tandy & Co.

How picturesque is this? Beautiful cherry blossoms spewing over the wall and finding shelter from the heat (it was in the mid-eighties) under the blooming apple tree.

Dad just finished smacking my head for making a funny face in the picture. Notice how the funny face hasn't left even after a little smack? FYI: That's a birthday/Earth Day card for Seth in front of me. And grandma is reading a letter of congratulations because mom was the staff of the year at SUU! Holla! Also, check out that yummy strawberry shortcake.

Momma, Gail, Me.

Awesome siblings.
In other news, I won the argumentative category of SUU's Scriblarian Essay Contest. I don't get anything for winning. Just a good feeling inside. And a lot of prideful bigheadedness. Throughout our dinner conversations, I would end my statements with "because I'm an award winning author." For example: "I need more dessert because I'm an award winning author." Or when the camera was being difficult I said "I'll make it work because I'm an award winning author." And "I will because I am an award winning author." I said that one multiple times. I can't remember others off the top of my head, but you're just going to have to trust me that we were all laughing really hard because I'm an award winning author.

Random photo from the mission (Which I'm posting the next day because I forgot...)
Sometimes when you walk around on the beautiful temple grounds, you see deer. Can you see it? Its eyes are glowing.