01 October 2009

MTC address

Eric has given me permission to occasionally update his blog.
This is for while he is at the Missionary Training Center only. He'll be off to Washington DC and other parts nearby very soon. Until then, you can write to him here:

Eric Liebhardt
MTC Mailbox #253
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Missionaries do love letters! I'll get his DC address posted as soon as I receive it.
He's doing well, enjoying himself, working hard, staying COLD !! Apparently they haven't turned on any heat there yet, and he's freezing. But he loves it.

1 comment:

  1. Since anyone can read this blog may I suggest that you edit Eric's last post and delete the personal information that he posted...birthday, middle name, parents names, birthplace, etc...we just had a friend get scammed by someone who had some very important personal information. Just a heads up.
