23 August 2009


Yes. I said "hair razing." Raze as in to tear down; demolish; level to the ground or to shave or scrape off. Meaning I lost my lovely locks of wavy, luscious, voluminous, golden-brown hair. Although I'm not bald, I feel like I am. It's quite a contrast to go from 5 inches of hair to one inch, and it's nicely tapered down on the back. But I love it. And I'm going to save a fortune on shampoo! Thanks mom!

This is a lovely before photo of my hairy head. It doesn't look 5" long because of the beautiful waviness of it, but I plucked out a hair and measured it with a ruler. 5".

In the process of the hair razing.

The finished product! Rather dashing, eh?

I'm really not that distraught about losing
it, but that is a very large pile of hair.

Why is it italicised from this point on?!

So why did I cut my hair? Well, the next day, Saturday, I was planning on going to the temple and do my missionary photos. My good friend, Krista, is a marvelous photographer and she offered to do them for me. So I packed my bag and left Cedar around 7:15 to meet Krista at 8:00. I got there. And I waited. And I waited. And I waited. For about an hour (48 minutes, according to my clock) and decided that she just forgot.
(Oh, let me insert right here why I didn't call her: I lost my phone the day before. I have no idea where it is. I retraced all my steps around town and there is no sign of it. Not even crushed pieces in the road [which is where I think it is. I played a rousing game of Chinese Fire Drill and it's likely that my phone fell out of my pocket when I jumped out of the car.]! It's just mind bottling.)
So rather than wait around even more, I went to my first session at the St. George Temple. It was lovely.
After the temple, I drove to Santa Clara to Krista's house to find out what's up. Turns out, we suck at making appointments. I was positive that we had agreed on 8:00. She wasn't sure what time. She texted me multiple times the previous night and that morning. But. My phone is lost so I never got her messages. Instead of taking pictures in the now horrible noon lighting, we just sat in her sitting room talking. And ate a bowl of Life :)

oday, Sunday, was a wonderfully spirit-filled day. Block meetings were canceled across Utah (My college ward had a short 1 hour sacrament meeting) for the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple dedication- the 13th temple to be dedicated in Utah. I went to the seventh dedicatory session with my parents and then to the ninth and final dedicatory session with my brother, Nick. The Spirit at both sessions was sooo amazing and I'm so glad that I got to attend with family, which is really what the blessings of the temple are all about.

And I finally had a Court of Honor for my Eagle Scout award. I finished it about 1 year ago, but I never had a Court of Honor. I, along with 4 other young men from my ward got 'em! Here are some photos.

Myself talking about scouting experiences.

Starting with me going clockwise: Eric Liebhardt, Evan Harris,
Justin Jones, Jesse Carter, & Lance Brown.
☮ ♡ ☺

08 August 2009


Why is it so cold today?
Isn't it August? This is when Cedar usually gets some major heat in the summer months, but that is definitely not the case for today.
A huge cold front moved in and it made my last night's sleep miserable.

The first time I woke up, I closed the window.
The second time I woke up, I unfolded the blanket at the foot of my bed and put it over me, in addition with the bedspread I already had.
The third time I woke up, I put on socks, flannel pajama pants, and a long-sleeved shirt (I usually just sleep in my underwear).
The fourth time I woke up, I went into the computer room and grabbed the little space heater and turned it on in my room.

That was not cool. In the temperature sense, it was cold. According to weather.com it was 56° F last night. Tonight, it will be 46° F. I think I might be building a fire.

So I have a theory, albeit a lame one, but a theory nonetheless: People are attracted to climates that describe themselves.
e.g. I am drawn to hot, dry places; therefore, I'm hot and dry (definitely hot, but dry? I don't know...) My friend, Brantz, loves cool temperatures; therefore, he's cool (and he is.)

So let me know how you roll- what climate you're drawn to. And we'll analyze the data. Or not. Just... whatever.

04 August 2009


I'm sure you all are wondering, What is that crazy box of random photos on this post?. Well, I can answer that question for you.
I was recently blog-stalking and came across this little blog activity thing that one of my friends had done. So I said to myself:

Self, this is pretty rad. I should do that.
So I did.

Here's how it works:
a. Type your an
swer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only
the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker. Choose 3 columns with 4 rows.

The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favor
ite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drin
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in
11. One word to describe you.
12. Your Flickr name (or favorite animal)

1. Dutch 17th century polder windmill, 2. Cookies & Cream Shake, 3. RIP Ann Richards, 4. Green River - 10,000 views!, 5. heidi in Louboutin, 6. Ice Age is here in Amsterdam!!!, 7. the river Rhine flows through Basel, 8. Our hand painted bakery menu board, 9. epiphany + entertainment, 10. gather 'round kids, it's story time!, 11. Yosemite Reflections #1 - Mirror Lake, 12. Intimacy

Hmmm. Cool?
I think so, yes.

So now, you should do this activity and share it on your blog!