13 November 2011

Witty Title

I've been trying to be a diligent blogger. Unfortunately, sometimes I'm really boring and I don't have much to blog about. But mom has a wonderful blog entry about the weekend.

Before the weekend came, I went to the St. George Utah Temple with my good buddy Michael. His YSA (Young Single Adult) stake* was going and I thought that it was also my stake so I tagged along. Turns out that it's not my stake. Whoops. Regardless, I had a marvelous time. Plus, the stake presidency brought doughnuts and hot cocoa! Burned my tongue on the hot cocoa.

Anywho, today was pretty legit as far as Sundays go. I was really excited to finally attend my YSA ward, but that was not the case. We had stake conference**! This stake conference was a wee bit different. Usually we gather together in our stake center and listen to our local stake leaders, but today we had a regional broadcast from church headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT. There were 80 stakes listening to the broadcast in the Utah South and Utah East regions. We heard from
Brother David M. McConkie, First Counselor, General Sunday School Presidency who spoke about the power in priesthood quorums,
Sister Jean A. Stevens, First Counselor, General Primary Presidency spoke about listening to the counsel of prophets and then acting on that counsel,
Elder Tad R. Callister, Presidency of the Seventy spoke about establishing eternal marriages (or we could say relationships instead of marriages because the principles are the same), and
Elder Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke about the blessing it is to have a physical body and how much Satan wants us to deface and defile our bodies because he wants us to be miserable. Elder Nelson talked about a bunch of other things, too, but that was the thing that stands out most in my mind. Why do I tell you this? To prove to you that I do pay attention in meetings. And to let you know that Stake Conference is awesome. Some have the notion that Stake Conference means that they can stay home and relax. But it doesn't mean that at all! Stake Conference is a marvelous opportunity to learn principles of everlasting happiness and to receive personal, customized revelation for you from our loving Heavenly Father.

Hope you enjoyed my thoughts for the evening!

In other news, there is a girl.
A girl.
Who works at Panda Express. And I'm going to ask her out. I'll let you know how it goes because I know how interested you are in my so-called love life. Ha.

And I have employment!
Well, temporary employment, but employment nonetheless and it pays well. I'm going to be doing secretarial work at a local investment firm for a week while the investor is out of town. Yay! Stuff to do!

Oh look! Another random picture from my mission!
This is on a P-day at the National Mall! My best friend, Isie, wanted a picture of me kissing the Washington Monument. So I humored her.

☮ ♡ ☺

*A stake is an ecclesiastical and administrative unit of the Church, almost always covering a geographic area, composed of several wards and/or sometimes branches (congregations; wards are larger than branches). Administered by a stake president.

**Stake conference is a semi-annual meeting of the members of a stake in which both general and local church leaders are sustained and leaders give stake members counsel and instruction.


  1. I am so glad that Stake Conference was good. My Mom mentioned that they had had it today.
    PS-MUST MEET THIS CHICK. I admit, I am very protective of you...heehee. Ever since that "Phonebooth" incident.
    PSS--I loooove that picture! I want to go back East again so bad :)

  2. The second temple trip this month! You should try to see every temple around the world. At this rate you could probably get it done and still be middle aged! :D I remember when stake conference was a get out of church free card. I am glad to hear that you were able to benefit from it though! Good luck with your asking out! I am sure she will say yes! Congrats on the job even if it is just temporary! It is so hard to get work in Cedar right now. Glad to hear that you are settling back in without problems. Hope to see new posts from you soon!

  3. Congratulating on being back in the blogging world. And go for it with the gal ;)
    Enjoy work!!

  4. Since when do my children think that Stake Conference is a "Free Sunday?" We always went, and so did you.
