13 October 2012

Weather and Holidays

Fun fact: I love the outdoors.
Hiking, camping, relaxing. For me, all these things are most enjoyed when I'm outside (I guess those first two are synonymous with outside).

Fun fact: I love celebrating holidays.
I'm an advocate of fun holiday traditions and developing new traditions.
My favorite holidays:
  1. Christmas
  2. Halloween
  3. Independence Day
  4. Anyone's Birthday
  5. Pioneer Day (Utah)
Those are pretty much the only ones I enjoy celebrating. Everything else, I'm rather lukewarm toward.

Let me draw your attention to number 2: Halloween.

Halloween is at the end of this month and I will be donning a costume, and trick-or-treating. Last Halloween, I was in California visiting my brother's family. I was actually handed out candy while the parentals took their kids around for candy.
Two hunters, a flapper, a skeleton, a witch, and a fairy princess. Source.
Halloween in SoCal had lovely weather.
Halloween in Cedar City has chilly weather.

Fun fact: I despise chilly weather.
I hope that this Halloween will be mild and dry so I don't have to wear too many layers under my zombie costume. 

1 comment:

  1. What?! How can you not love Easter?! Beside the awesome religious aspect, there is also a mysterious bunny and chocolate eggs. Seriously!
