27 August 2012


(The title of this post is supposed to be a school bell ringing)

So. Here I am at SUU's beautiful Sherratt Library. Sitting in the computer lab. And it's the first day of the semester. I remember when I was a child and school shopping was a huge event. I would get new clothes, a pencil box, crayons, markers, colored pencils, a backpack, shoes, and number two pencils. Still in college, people love going school shopping to get the hottest new trends off the rack to look their best on the first day of school.

As I look around, I can see that some people are really concerned particular about their appearance. I can smell the newness of their shoes and see the unworn, store-freshness of their apparel. I have seen some that are trying too hard. Eye makeup in large quantities seems to be trending right now because it is everywhere. And, in my eyes, it is not an attractive look.

How am I doing on the fashion scene?

Erm.... I'm wearing jeans, a button-up shirt, tennis shoes. In other words, I'm wearing what I always wear (sans the jeans... I wish I was wearing shorts. It's rather warm). I just think it's interesting how my perspective on first impressions has evolved over the years. Yes, people as a whole (including myself) make primary judgements on others based solely on appearance. But today I'm wearing something that can't be bought at a store: a smile, a kind temperament, and an outgoing demeanor.

A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.
-Marilyn Monroe

I'm going to modify that quote a little: A smile is the best accessory anyone can wear. 

Because you're never fully dressed without a smile and you'd best not leave your house without all your clothes on (that's from Annie).

22 August 2012


I don't know why I ever thought it was so much fun.

It kind of hurts. A lot.

That's all.

19 August 2012

Guy Liner

Once upon a time,
my friend Jenni turned 21. To celebrate, we were going to Salt Lake to the Twilight Concert Series concert of iron&wine- a band that I love. We were also going to go dancing, and have a sleepover at Jayson's house. The plan was to drive up to Salt Lake Wednesday the fifteenth with Jenni, Jomel, and Donovan, sleep, party Thursday with concert, dancing, et cetera, then head home.
Good plan.

Well, sometimes people die and that complicates plans.
My grandma's nephew died and I'm her designated driver (not meaning she's always drunk. She just doesn't like driving now that she's on in her years) and she needed to attend the funeral. So, Jenni, Jomel, Donovan, grandma, and I drove together in Grandma's car. I call us: Grandma's gang.

So grandma and I funeraled in Wallsburg, UT, population: tiny. Then grandma went off with my auntie and I took the car to get my friends and party.

Jenni, Jomel, and I picked up Jayson in Taylorsville (Donovan was already in Salt Lake), then hit up Chipotle for some grub. I was full of good ol' Mormon comfort food (e.g. ham, funeral potatoes, Jell-o salad) so I wasn't going to order anything. The following conversation happened with the man at the till.

Man: Are you getting anything?
Me: No. I'm not really hungry.
Man: If you've never had Chipotle before I can give you a free burrito.
Me: I used live back East where Chiptoles were plentiful and I ate there all the time.
Man: Well, I'll give you one anyway.

So I got a free burrito from Chipotle.

Jenni said he was flirting with me, but I don't really care because I got a free burrito from Chipotle. And I'm an award-winning author (just thought I'd remind you).

We then headed to City Creek to meet up with Cadence. It is a beautiful place! We didn't have a lot of time to spend there, but I really liked what little I saw. I'll need to go back, for sure.
Next stop: Pioneer Park, which is usually waaaaay sketch, but the people running the concert series clear out the vagrants and are now charging a nominal fee of $5 to keep it classy. Er. I'm not complaining. Super cheap. While there, I met up with a bunch of mission friends and we had a fun time catching up and listening to iron&wine.
The next stage of the adventure was dancing at Area51. Thursday night is 80's night so we had some sa-weet outfits to change into. I'm going to be really vain and tell you all that my outfit was great. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. Yet. Jayson had the only camera. I don't think I'll see those photos before he goes on his mission.... Anywho, part of my outrageous 80's outfit included makeup. Eyeliner to be exact, or, when worn by men, guy-liner (I was going for a David Bowie inspired look for the eyes). This stuff is waterproof. But not sweat-proof. After less than an hour, my nice, cleanly lined eyes had turned into raccoon eyes. Luckily, it looked ok because it looked Goth which was also very 80's.

At Jayson's house, I tried to wash off that mess of eye gunk. Yes. Tried. I scrubbed with soap. Then Jomel told me that I could get it off by putting on lotion and wiping it off with a tissue. I got lotion in my eyes and lotion hurts 400x more than soap in the eye. Way painful. I managed to get 68% of the guy-liner off, but the area around my eyes was swollen because of the excessive scrubbing and there are now little scabs under my eyes. Sad, I know.
I ended up wearing sunglasses the whole time I was around my grandma the next day because I didn't want her to see the guy-liner and think I was a cross-dresser or something. Well, when grandma saw that I was wearing guy-liner, she said that she had something that would take that right off. Of course she does. She's an Avon lady. Thanks to my sister Gail's makeup remover, I got it all off.

Sorry this is such a pictureless post. I do hope you enjoyed reading about Jenni's birthday adventure!

How Does Your Garden Grow?

"Living the dream" is a phrase of Western US college dialect that means "living at home while an adult, whether in college or otherwise."

Dear reader, I am living the dream.

I live at home.
My roommates (housemates?) are my folks.
I have access to free laundry facilities.
Free food (for me).
Free room and board.
Mom even throws in my laundry with theirs on occasion.
I'm saving lots of money.

One thing I love about my house is our garden. It's a very fruitful garden and we make good use of all the delicious, organic vegetables.
From the garden: green beans, pear tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, green bell peppers. Not from the garden: grapes, bread, steak.
Our weekly family Sunday dinner was also full of garden fresh vegetables!

So. I love veggies. They're delicious. And healthy.

In other news: I ate two pieces of cake for breakfast.

I guess it all balances out.

13 August 2012

National S'mores Day!

The tenth of August is apparently National S'mores Day.

My sister, Gail, is awesome and got some delicious s'mores fixin's for us to celebrate:

Marshmallows, graham crackers, original Hershey's milk chocolate, and some fun variations of Butterfinger chocolate, and Reece's peanut butter cups. I really enjoyed the peanut butter cups.
Enjoying the deliciousness of a s'more!

What variations do you enjoy for your s'mores?

12 August 2012


Once upon a time,

I went to my friend's house after he spoke in church about the LDS mission he recently returned from.
His mom was very nice and prepared a lot of food for the occasion.
Before I left, his mom loaded up a box of cheesecake for me to take home.
Yes, you read correctly.
There is now cheesecake in great quantity in my fridge.
I gave some to my mom and dad (my dad thinks there were only those two pieces).
But I kind of just want to eat the rest.
By myself.
Either throughout the week.
Or just go crazy and shove it down my throat in one sitting.
I know that I should share more.
It's really good.
And from the Cheesecake Factory:
White chocolate raspberry.
Key Lime.
Sorry to burden you with my delicious predicament.

The end.

09 August 2012

Know the Risks of Being Textually Active

As of late, I have received some pretty fabulous text messages. I thought I would share and let you laugh, or say "Awwww," or whatever your reaction may be.

"I may have just watched 4 episodes of Downton Abbey online...."
- Nick

I accidentally let myself remember that I miss you! See you Saturday!"

"Hello good friend Eric! I would just like to share the good news that I am engaged! :D"

"Is Gertrude still alive?"

"You are a super cutie :)"

"How's the local party scene?"

"Ha ha cancer! Twitter... Oh yes. Soon. @epicdiehard #awesomeness"

I don't know if you found those text messages entertaining at all. But I did. So enjoy them. Please.

Have you had any text messages that have made your day?


"Here's the mail, it never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes I want to wail: Mail!"
-Blue's Clues

Again, just have to say that my friends are great. My friend Samuel Hardman Taylor is an outstanding, intelligent, socially apt individual who will be working on his graduate studies at Texas Christian University. Woot!
 At Sam's "Goodbye Mona" party 28 July in Mona, UT-- Sam's hometown.
 The other day I received a postcard from Sam in the post.
A Penguin Books postcard, nonetheless!
And it got me thinking about postcards. . .

My brother Nick and a group of his chums have a fun tradition that whenever anyone of them goes on a trip, they will send postcards to everyone in the group. And then you have a nice little collection of postcards from around the world!

Neat, eh? 

I would like to do this.

Anyone else game?

Postage for postcards is only 32¢!

08 August 2012

My Friends Are Cute

Not only have I been able to spend tons of time with family this summer, but I've also been able to party it up like it's 1999 with friends. I also consider myself super blessed because I've been able to make some grand friendships over the 104 days of summer vacation.

Just for fun, here is an example of epic friendships that will go down in the history books:

Monday: I get a call from Jenni. She asks me what I have going on that day. I told her: dentist appointment and chiropractor appointment.

She says I should play hookey from those events and go to Vegas with her, Kadee, and Jayson. I, unfortunately cannot. So they go. And have fun. They were safe. But I was pretty bummed that I didn't get to go because Jayson is leaving to serve a mission next month and time is limited with that kid.

Anywho, I sent Jenni a text message that said to bring me back some souvenirs. I received a message back saying she hoped I'll enjoy my lovely souvenirs. I got excited. This is what they brought back:

Since I couldn't go to Vegas, they brought Vegas-- to go! And they each signed the back of it. Cute.
They went to Dick's Last Resort and got a key chain with their photo in it. Jayson is wearing a paper hat that you get there. They have funny/inappropriate things written on them. I don't know what his says.
Jenni: I got you a necklace from the oxygen bar! Don't get too excited, though-- it's been up my nose.
Don't worry, dear reader. I don't really wear it.
Aren't my friends the best! That's not a question. It's a statement. Posed in the form a question.

01 August 2012

In Another Life, I Was A Butterfly


There are 
big ones,
little ones,
short ones,
tall ones,
white ones,
diverse ones,
super white ones,
funny ones,
mundane ones,
happy ones
sad ones,
angry ones,
loving ones,
blonde ones,
ginger ones,

And I love being around them. They are like pollen and I am like a butterfly, going to person-flower to person-flower, gathering all the different stories, experiences, and qualities that makes each person-flower unique.

I guess that's where the term "social butterfly" comes from?

Works for me.
Yesterday, I was working in the garden putting in a dividing wall between the lawn and the garden (you can see the yellow line marking where it is going in the above photo). I needed people around me. Luckily, I have two stellar friends who came over, picked some produce, weeded, and helped get the ground ready for the wall. As we worked (and sweated. A lot), we talked. And shared. And there is nothing more sweeter than sharing pollen-friendship. Which totally exists.

So, my dear flower-people, let's get together and have some fun.